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Key Support Worker

Get to know Clare

Clare is a key support worker and plays a crucial role at Headway Norfolk and Waveney by providing one-to-one assistance to individuals with brain injuries.

As the name suggests, a key support worker is a key member of the support team, responsible for developing and maintaining a supportive and enabling relationship with the service user. They work closely with the service user to develop a person-centered care plan that addresses their specific needs, goals, and aspirations. This may include assisting with personal care, medication management, daily living skills, and emotional support.

Claire is currently responsible for overseeing clients woodworking projects at the Mens Shed and has worked with clients on various activities.

Before her current role, Clare was a volunteer at Headway for just under two years. During that time, Clare gain experience in a number of roles as she wanted to help out as much as possible.

"My interactions with clients are by far the most rewarding aspect of working at Headway. I am motivated by the small contributions I am able to make to our clients' welfare and rewarded constantly by the human connections created through my role."

Clare is a keen gardener and nature lover. On sunny days, you'll find her potting up young plants or tending to her allotment. On rainy days, Clare would rather read a good book and cuddle up to the cats.