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Comments, Compliments and Complaints Procedure

Headway Norfolk and Waveney aims to provide services and support to meet the needs and expectations of Headway members, their family and carers in a professional and respectful manner. To make sure that we are doing our job well, we would like to hear from you about these services. We would value your feedback and suggestions about Headway Norfolk and Waveney. It is through your experience and the feedback you provide to us that we can address any issues that may have given you cause for dissatisfaction

At Headway Norfolk and Waveney we want to ensure that we:
• Make commenting on our service is as easy as possible
• Treat your comments seriously and in confidence
• Respond to your complaint promptly and professionally
• Issue a clear written response to every formal complaint
• Offer information, explanations or an apology as appropriate
• Learn from comments or complaints and use feedback to improve our services

Comments, Compliments and Complaints Procedure
Anyone who has a concern or complaint relating to a Headway Norfolk and Waveney service should make this known to a member of staff and/or Services Manager. This can be face to face, on the telephone or by completing a ‘Comment, Compliment and Complaint Form which you can download below.

The Area manager, staff and volunteers will try to resolve your concerns straight away. If you are not satisfied with this or further investigation is required and you would like to make a written formal complaint, matters will be forwarded to the Client Services Manager / Chief Executive Officer.

Please email your completed form to or post to:

Director of Operations or Chief Executive Officer:

Headway, 4, Woolgate Court, Norwich. NR2 4AB

Following this, should you not be happy in the dealing with your complaint it will be taken to the Board of Trustees for further investigation.

If you remain unhappy with the outcome you can follow /what-we-do-and-how-we-work/have-your-say/compliments-and-complaints/adult-care-complaints

We also welcome comments relating to aspects of our service that you think we do particularly well. Please complete a ‘Comment, Compliment and Complaint Form’. We may ask for your permission to publish your positive comments in our literature or on our website.